Extreme Power delivery
Double Layer 2oz Copper to peak even the biggest brushless motors
Works with every motor company – T-Motor , Xing, X-Nova, BrotherHobby, Flywoo, Hypetrain, TBS Ethix, GepRC and all others
Biggest pads Possible – Soldering friendly
Easy and clean soldering – fast motor swaps in the field, beginner friendly
8mm wide, 30mm long – fits every frame
Stay Save!
Easiest motor cables protection against prop strikes.
CleanWire pads will rip easier than your ESC pads when you brak an arm. It’s faster and cheaper to replace CleanWire than your expensive ESC
Clean – minimalistic design for Your drone
Minimalistic Logo only side – for cleanest look
Clean black on the other side – for cleanest look of your quad